I’ve got the book but I can’t access the online route information. Help!
I want people to buy the books in order to use the routes. That’s why the web pages with maps, GPX files and ride directions are tucked away out of sight of Google’s web crawlers.
To access them you can’t just search for them with Google. You will need to type the relevant web address into your browser’s address / URL bar, not into the search bar. The web addresses can be found in the books. They take the form of lostlanes.co.uk/ followed by a four digit ride code.
Eg. https://lostlanes.co.uk/01vv or https://thebikeshow.net/01vv
Remember, you must enter the web address into your browser’s address / URL bar, not into the search bar. If you enter them into the search bar, Google may well take you to the wrong place.

If you’re still having trouble, drop me a line.
How do I use my phone to navigate a route using a GPX file?
Most smartphones and tablet computers are GPS-enabled. With the right app they can be used as a navigational aid. To do this, download the GPX file from the route page and import it to your device. How this is done depends on the app you’re using. Your app will determine your choice of base maps.
If you want a really simple phone app for following a GPX track, I recommend Bike GPX. It works really well, its free and available for both Android and iPhone.
Whichever app you use, it’s best to download the base maps onto your device before you go, in case you are in a place with no phone service. GPS can drain batteries fast, so it’s worth taking a paper map as a backup, at least until you get an idea of how long your device’s battery will last when being used for GPS navigation.
What kind of bike do I need?
Almost any bike will do. The routes are mostly on surfaced roads, using the quietest lanes and traffic-free routes wherever possible. Some routes also have sections of good, unsurfaced tracks and these are clearly identified in the route descriptions. These can range from a few hundred yards to several miles and most of the longer tracks have alternatives for those who don’t like to venture off the tarmac. While I have chosen good, rideable tracks, it’s always possible that in winter or after heavy rain a track or a section of a track can get muddy. Most of the off road sections can be ridden on a bike with tyres of 28mm or wider though I would recommend a tyre in the 30mm-40mm range as the most practical choice. A bike with low gears helps make riding uphill easier, and mudguards are always helpful if it’s wet.
How long are the rides?
The rides are designed as day rides, and are generally between 30 and 60 miles long. They vary greatly in terms of hilliness, and this is noted in the ride descriptions. Depending upon the hilliness a typical touring cyclist can expect to ride at an average speed of 10-12 miles per hour, adding in extra time for stops along the way. A fast racing cyclist will obviously go faster than this, and a really leisurely cyclist will go slower. An average cyclist will have no trouble completing any of the rides in a day, and it’s quite possible to extend a ride over two days, with extra detours and stops. Some of the routes can be linked together into multi day tours.